Fish-Tales & Legendary Lies
About Fish-Tales & Legendary Lies by Anthony Mapp:
“Small acts grow into fish-tales to become the myths, folk tales and legendary lies this country is built on.”
Julius Macomb was once a premier radical voice in matters of race and social justice in the 1950’s and early 60’s. Now in the mid-1980’s, the aging novelist/actor/activist is the adjunct writer-in-residence at a small historically Black college (HBCU) in the Midwest who is seeking to reverse the unspooling of his life by remaking himself as a nameless, faceless power broker who exerts his influence and control throughout society.
* Fish-Tales & Legendary Lies is proudly presented as a part of AFPP 2022
Barter Theatre's annual Appalachian Festival of Plays and Playwrights celebrates the richness of the Appalachian tradition by showcasing the stories of the region, both past and present, and the inspiration it provides the writers who live here. Since 1933, The AFPP has gained national attention by developing a process that has resulted in new plays being produced not only on Barter’s stages, but in regional theatres across the country. AFPP readings are free and open to the public. Audiences participate in the development process by attending readings, participating in panel discussions, and sharing feedback.
AFPP will be held virtually this year. The readings will be free, but pre-registration is required and will open on January 24th 2022. Sign up for updates in the form to the right!
Barter Theatre is partially funded by:
This project was supported [in part] by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, which receives support from the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.
A special thanks to the Town of Abingdon, Washington County, and the Virginia Tourism Corporation for their support.