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Run Time: Act I - 51 minutes / Intermission - 12 minutes / Act II - 41 minutes


Written by Catherine Bush

February 6th to March 2nd at Barter’s Smith Theatre

“I said I’d do it, and I’ve done it.” One fine spring day, Emma Gatewood, a 67-year-old mother and grandmother, told her children she was “going for a walk.” She failed to mention that her walk would be over 2,000 miles and take her through 14 states, making her the first woman to solo through-hike the newly formed Appalachian Trail! Grandma Gatewood Took A Walk is a wildly theatrical adventure following Emma and all who played a part in her incredible journey.

Content Advisories: (V, SV) Discussion and theatricalization of strong violence within a marriage. More information.

NOTE: Subscriptions Not Applicable.

Barter Theatre is partially funded by:

This project was supported [in part] by the Virginia Commission for the Arts, which receives support from the Virginia General Assembly and the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. 

A special thanks to the Town of Abingdon, Washington County, and the Virginia Tourism Corporation for their support.

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