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We wish to acknowledge the diverse experience of our audience community and provide the information needed for each member to make an informed decision about the type of content they wish to experience on our stages. Below is an overview of our content labeling system. To address specific questions about content in any production please contact the box office at

2025 Season Content Advisories




Thurgood (IL, P, V) Strong Language and Racial Violence

Disney’s Frozen (n/a) – The content of this show does not require an advisory.

Mountain Mamas (IL) – Strong Language.

A Few Good Men (IL, V) – Strong Language and Violence.






ML (Mild Language)
Mild cursing or profanity (PG or PG-13)

IL (Intense Language)
Heavy cursing (R rated)

P (Prejudice)
Racism, Xenophobia, Homophobia, Anti-Semitism, Sexism, or Religious persecution.

S (Sexual situations)
Discussion of sexual situations or visual depictions of consensual sexual activities.

SV (Sexual violence)
Visual or verbal depiction of sexual assault or sexual harassment.

V (Violence)
Visual depiction of non-sexual physical violence

O (Other)
Suicide or self harm, drug use, stage effects such as strobe lights or gun shots (even offstage)

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