In a world dominated by rapid change, the story of SNOW WHITE continues to captivate contemporary audiences. This classic tale, with its themes of jealousy, and redemption, resonates in today’s society where the battle between inner virtue and external pressures is more relevant than ever. Snow White’s innocence, contrasted against the backdrop of a complex and often unforgiving world, mirrors the struggles many face in maintaining heart and kindness amidst ruthlessness. The evil queen’s obsession with beauty and power reflects the modern-day preoccupation with image and success.
As we watch Snow White navigate through deception and danger, relying on the goodness of others and her inner strength, we are reminded of the timeless values of resilience, compassion, and the triumph of good over evil. Her journey, though set in a distant past, deeply connects with our contemporary experiences, making her story not just a relic of folklore but a living narrative that continues to inspire and teach.
“I think as a society we’ve become a bit jaded. When we look back on our age of innocence, we find ourselves longing for it – at least I do. Being jaded is exhausting,” explained Barter’s Resident Playwright Catherine Bush, who adapted this Barter Players version of the classic. “As for ‘beauty’ – there’s too much focus on a person’s outside appearance. Whole industries are devoted to it. We spend way too much time ‘looking in the mirror’ – and it’s exactly that that gets Snow White’s stepmother in trouble.”
The aspects of SNOW WHITE’s story travels deeper into the heart than just external forces, however.
“I think what makes SNOW WHITE timeless is the romance. Audiences love love. Audiences love watching characters fall in love, especially when those characters are good and kind like Snow White. And I’m referring to audiences of ALL ages,” Bush added. “I’m not sure it’s even a learned response – I think it’s the way humans are hardwired.”
According to Artistic Director of the Barter Players Barrett Guyton, the universal message behind SNOW WHITE still exists today.
“The most universal message in our telling of SNOW WHITE, to me, is that the act of loving someone, and giving them grace, even in the most extreme circumstances, can change your part of the world forever,” Guyton said. “I think that stories like this continue to endure because you’re always going to receive something new from the story as you continue to get older. As an adult, there are parts of this story that resonate so soundly, while other parts resonated with me as a young person.”
Additionally, Guyton said that SNOW WHITE can also provide a lens to examine contemporary issues.
“This is a very traditional telling of Snow White, and these themes continue to reach young folks all over,” he continued. “ I think there’s a reason that stories like this stick around because of their timeless nature and endless wells of exploration of things we all experience as humans.”
In this particular adaptation of the beloved story, nostalgia takes center stage and absorbs the audience into the magic that is SNOW WHITE.
“The biggest misconception a new audience member might have is expecting this to be the Disney version of Snow White, which has been around over 90 years. Once the show starts, however, they all get sucked in by the magic that is The Barter Players. ” Bush noted. “It’s a story passed down from generation to generation. Shared stories build bridges. That’s why story is so important. Snow White’s journey reminds us that we can find our family outside of blood/legal ties – and it may be that your found family is the one that steps up when you face your challenges.”
Bush and Guyton both agree that classic stories such as SNOW WHITE can serve as a bridge between generations.
“There’s something so special about communally sharing the stories that were so impactful on us growing up with new generations. I know that my parents and grandparents did this all the time with my siblings and I,” Guyton recalled. “I’ll never forget watching one of my dad’s favorite movies when he was growing up with him, and how impactful that was on me, too.”
For more information on SNOW WHITE and to purchase tickets, click here!