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Become a 2025 Subscriber

The Best Seats at the Best Prices + Early Access to Tickets for all of next years performances

Twelve Play Subscription | $450

One ticket to twelve performances of your choice in 2025!

First access to seats

No restrictions on seat selection

Free ticket exchange up to 24 hours before any performance

Insider updates

15% OFF additional tickets

Six Play Subscription | $234

One ticket to six performances of your choice in 2025!

First access to seats

No restrictions on seat selection

Free ticket exchange up to 24 hours before any performance

Insider updates

15% OFF additional tickets

Three Play Subscription | $123

One ticket to three performances of your choice in 2025!

First access to seats

No restrictions on seat selection

Free ticket exchange up to 24 hours before any performance

Insider updates

15% OFF additional tickets


How do I utilize my subscription? Will I have physical tickets?

The number of tickets you have remaining will be recorded in your Barter Theatre account. You can reserve your seats for shows one at a time or all at once by calling the box office or booking online. Once you reserve your seats for a specific show, you can have your ticket emailed to you or you may pick it up at will call.

What if I can’t make it to a show?

You can exchange tickets up to 24 hours before the show. You may either book your ticket for another performance, or you may return it to your unused subscription tickets.

When can I select my seat? Can I sit with my friends?

Subscribers are able to book online prior to non-subscribers. Subscribers may coordinate reservations with another party by calling the box office.

Can I transfer my tickets to someone else?

Yes! In fact, we encourage you to share the tickets you can’t use with anyone you choose. Simply make the reservation for the show and inform your guest that the tickets will be at will call under your (the subscriber’s) name.

Can I use my tickets all for one performance?

You may not use multiple subscription tickets for one performance, however you are able to use your subscriptions for multiple performances of the same production.


Subscriptions are valid only for performances during the calendar year of that subscription term. For example, a 2025 subscription, purchased on December 15th, 2024 may be redeemed for performances occurring between January 1st 2025 and December 31st 2025. Any unused portion of a subscription will expire at the end of the subscription term and may not be refunded or extended into the next year.
Subscriptions may be redeemed for Barter Player’s performances as well as special events produced by Barter Theatre. Subscribers receive 15% off additional tickets to performances excluding Barter Player’s performances and special events produced by Barter Theatre. Subscriptions may not be redeemed for events at Barter Theatre venues that are produced by companies other than Barter Theatre.

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