Katie Bolling is a student at Emory & Henry College and grew up seeing shows at Barter Theatre.
Check out our conversation with Katie to find out what makes Barter Theatre special to her!
Barter Theatre: What makes Barter Theatre special to you?
Katie Bolling: After visiting other places and seeing more theatre, I became very aware of how lucky I was to have Barter so close to where I grew up. This quality of theatre you don’t get anywhere else and I appreciated it more because it was in my hometown.
What was your first show at Barter?
The Barter Player’s Charlotte’s Web (2006) was my first show at Barter. It was so cool seeing the book come to life and afterwards I got to meet the actors. It’s like when you go to Disney and you get to meet Minnie and Mickey, that’s how it felt. I got to meet Charlotte and I felt like I was meeting celebrities and at the same time my favorite characters. It was really cool.
Do you have a favorite show you’ve seen at Barter?
Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (2011) was a big one for me. My mom and I sat in the front row and we got the light up roses that they sold in the gift shop and the show was magical. There were a ton of special effects and it’s still one of the best shows I’ve ever seen.
Why should someone, especially a college student like you, see a show at Barter?
My generation, we have more options when it comes to entertainment and I feel that the art of live theatre is something that is lost on people unless they come and watch it. Once they see it, they understand it’s different and it’s special. You’re experiencing it like you’re in the story. It’s cliche’ but there is nothing like seeing something live take place in front of you.
We at Barter Theatre are lucky to have amazing supporters like you, Katie! Thank you for sharing your Barter Story.
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